
صنع في اسبانيا الجزء الثاني

1.أرسلت من قبل Ali في 08/12/2010 19:24
انكم اشد بطشا من الاسبان تريدون قطع الماء عنا والان تدافعون عنا

2.أرسلت من قبل layela0626257338 في 08/12/2010 20:02
akiniw i3awan abi ra min tagam ayathema

3.أرسلت من قبل charkaoui -youssef في 09/12/2010 15:47
aday thsam7amm ayaythma kaniw iyadjann di mililia itkhissa kaniww atazoom kh r7a9 nwamm mayami watatam cha madam kaniw aghlabiya di mlilia atatamm mlilia atadwarr tmaghrabachtt !!!! o akaniw nasfakar nhar nssabttt adin thiri lmassira ntmana rakaniww adanakh thsandam zi ghadakhar imritch

4.أرسلت من قبل youssef في 09/12/2010 20:51
Education today is not purely a question of the education of youth; it is a question of the education of parents, because so many parents, I find, have lost their hold on their children. One reason for this is that they insist on laying down the law without allowing a free intellectual interchange of ideas between themselves and the younger generation. I believe that as we grow older we gain some wisdom, but I do not believe that we can take it for granted that our wisdom will be accepted by the younger generation. We have to be prepared to put our thinking across to them. We cannot simply expect them to say, "Our older people have had experience and they have proved to themselves certain things, therefore they are right." That isn't the way the best kind of young people think. They want to experience for themselves. I find they are perfectly willing to talk to older people, but they don't want to talk to older people who are shocked by their ideas, nor do they want to talk to older people who are not realistic.

5.أرسلت من قبل lamghari في 10/12/2010 16:22
waffa9aka allah

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